Executive Order

A lot of misinformed ninnies reading far right and left wing rumor sheets like World News Daily are getting all twisted up in knots about an executive order signed Friday.

Maybe some of these dummies ought to read the REAL news and they might not get all tweaked out over veritable non-events — like the updating of a 6 decade old law that adds little except clarification and updating to include government agencies the last time it was updated.

Search for this on Google news — and virtually all you’ll find are far right and far left rumor sheets thinking they’ve uncovered something deep and dangerous.

What nonsense.

Here’s an actual, SENSIBLE analysis of the order — undertaken in light of some of the outrageous nonsense the ignorant and misinformed fringe/conspiracy groups and crazy right wing rumor sheets like World News Daily are spouting:


Here’s another…


And — just for balance — here’s a nonsensical but breathless ‘analysis’ from the right wing fringes: http://www.examiner.com/finance-examiner-in-national/president-obama-signs-executive-order-allowing-for-control-over-all-us-resources

Inform yourselves people. Don’t run around like ignorant, headless chickens. THAT is how people control you.

Federal judge “sorry” — sorry his vulgar, racist chain email included his name.

The explosion of outrage over the chief federal judge in Montana,  a George W. Bush appointee, who sent a sexually vulgar and disgustingly racist joke by email chain is all over the media.

Now, the judge has apologized, in a manner of speaking — if people were offended — but not apologizing  for his own racism (which he denies) or his lack of judgment (which he’s apparently mum about) or  his lack of propriety (he excuses his action by saying he sent the “joke” only to six “old buddies”).

But we suspect what he’s really sorry about is that his old buddies didn’t remove his signature from the mass email before they forwarded it to their old buddies, political cronies and apparently just about everyone in Montana government with an email.

From the Los Angeles Times:

The [Great Falls] Tribune said it received the email after it had been forwarded several times in a chain that began at its original recipients. Cebull said he was “surprised” it had been passed along with his name attached to it, the newspaper said.
